Hasselback-Butternusskürbis mit Mandeln, Honig und Pecorino - Rezepte EASY FRY GRILL & STEAM 3 in 1 | Tefal
Rezept von Tefal

Hasselback-Butternusskürbis mit Mandeln, Honig und Pecorino


-/5 -

  • Gesamtzeit 1 Std. 5 Min.
  • Zubereitung
    20 Min.
  • Backen
    45 Min.
  • Abkühlen
    0 Min.


4 Personen

  • 1 *Butternut squash

  • 4 EL *Olive oil

  • 120 g *Pecorino pepper

  • 50 g *Liquid honey

  • 50 g *Whole almonds

  • 1 TL *Dried oregano

  • 1 TL *Sea salt

  • 40 g *Parmesan

  • *Salt


  • Regular Grid
    Regular Grid


Schritte 1 /5

*Cut the butternut squash in half lengthwise. Remove the seeds, then peel it with a peeler. Place one half of the butternut squash, with the cut side facing down, on a chopping board. Place chopsticks lengthways along each side of the butternut squash. Using a very sharp knife, carefully cut down as far as the chopsticks to make slices that are 5 mm apart. Repeat the same on the second half of the butternut squash.

  • 1 *Butternut squash

Schritte 2 /5

*Oil the butternut squash with half of the olive oil, then season with salt. Place them in the Easy Fry with the standard tray. Start the AIR FRY programme at 180°C for 40 minutes.

  • 1 *Butternut squash
  • 4EL *Olive oil
  • *Salt
  • Regular Grid

Schritte 3 /5

*Meanwhile, cut the pecorino into fine slices (around 7 cm x 3 cm). Chop the almonds into small pieces and place them in a bowl. Add the honey, dried oregano and sea salt. Mix, then set aside.

  • 120g *Pecorino pepper
  • 50g *Liquid honey
  • 50g *Whole almonds
  • 1TL *Dried oregano
  • 1TL *Sea salt

Schritte 4 /5

*Once the butternut squash is cooked, place the slices of pecorino into every third cut. Cover the surface of the butternut squash with the almond mix, then start the AIR FRY programme at 180°C for 5 minutes so they can brown.

  • 1 *Butternut squash
  • 120g *Pecorino pepper
  • 50g *Liquid honey
  • 50g *Whole almonds
  • 1TL *Dried oregano
  • 1TL *Sea salt
  • *Salt

Schritte 5 /5

*Place on a serving plate, then grate some parmesan on top. Enjoy!

  • 40g *Parmesan

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